"After one month of in home childcare with our first child, our plans fell through and we were forced to quickly find new arrangements. I was very anxious! An OC Register write up lead us to the Children’s House and from the moments I talked to Cathy and Ms. Deanne on the phone, I immediately started to feel very comfortable, welcomed, and encouraged! I feared our child would get lost in a sea of many children and teachers in a school type setting, but the reality has been that our now 3 children have received more genuine, personal, experienced, and truly loving care than that which I thought would draw me to an at home setting. We look forward to seeing the teachers each morning, and they are now like friends and many even babysit in our home for date nights. Beyond the love received by a staff that genuinely enjoys children, the Children’s House is also rich in resources that I did not even know to look for. In the infant room they have helped our children learn to share, work on patience, taking turns, and drinking from Dixie cups. In fact, we have learned many parenting tips from them! Over the course of one year in the two year old room our daughter learned colors, songs, how to clean up, and now she even sings her ABCs and songs about how Jesus Loves the Little Children! On top of all that, their playground is HUGE, which I LOVE for my very active children. From a parent standpoint I feel welcome to call and have called many times to see how my children are doing or adjusting…and they know. I would only leave my children in a place where I know they are loved, nurtured, and cared for dearly, and the Children’s House has provided just that, for which I am grateful.” L. B.
